Each morning I take our cat out in the back yard where he has time out to play in the sun. It is a daily routine that he loves very much and after half an hour I tell him that it is time to go back in and that we will come out again in the afternoon. That program had been going well for a while but of late it has started to change a little. The reason being is that he wants to stay out there a little longer. I can understand that but what he needs to also see is that sometimes what you want is sometimes what you cannot have. And so what we have is a battle on our hands as we deal with a cat that is not eager to come in. Usually he will put himself on the ducted heating plant out the back which is about waist high and lashes out with his paws telling me that he does not want to come in. From the cat's point of view he is defending his rights. So what do I do? I now take the mobile phone with me and when the time comes I phone the land line number in the house. My wife answers the phone and calls him in and he will then come into the house. A simple solution that works well for all.
I cannot help but think about what we have happening here. It is a simple process and yet it works so well. When he hears the phone ringing inside the house and then my wife calling him, he is willing to come back into the house for a treat. But I cannot help but wonder. Are we willing listen to the voice of our Heavenly Father who is calling out to us each day? And when we hear His voice are we willing to obey?
Something for us all to ponder at this time. Until next time may you each be kept safe in His care.