Today I was listening to an interview on the radio and the one who was being interviewed was an very old man who was in his nineties. It is a very good age and the reason for the interview came about by accident. But as they were chatting with the old man and his background the question was asked as to what make the biggest impact on his life. And the answer was one that got my attention. The thing that made a huge impact upon his life was one sentence that was said to him as a young boy. This older lady asked him did he know that he had a Father in Heaven that loved him very much. It was a new thought for him to ponder. He did not know anything about God, and it amazed him to think that he was actually loved by this God. The more he thought about it the more he liked this thought and it would be a guiding light that would shine always upon his life. Even though he did not have much there was one thing that he could do, and he did it well. That was to study. And study he did, and he would become a doctor who would get married and together with his wife would go and help people in third world countries. It was an amazing interview to listen to.
As I consider the interview that took place I am reminded of the thought that we are not an island. We can all affect in some way the lives of those who we meet. It may be only a sentence but what an impact it may have one the one who is hearing those words. Today as we go through each moment that we have, so may we determine that we will encourage those who we meed along the way. You may never know but the words that you speak may be the words that they need to hear that will put them on the pathway to greatness, and also to a better way of living. How much better it is to encourage and not to put down. So why not encourage someone today!
Something for us all to ponder at this time. Until next time may you each be kept safe in His care.