The other week I was preaching when I saw a part of something that was very special. There was a couple at the church who were very excited. There was also another lady with them who was also very excited too. The reason is that they had a new grandchild in the family. For the couple it was their third grandchild and for the other lady it was for her and her husband their first. The lady was visiting from New Zealand and her husband was home back in their country. As one took in the scene you could not help but take note of their joy. This was a new family member and they were full of joy and love for the new grandchild and its parents.
As I thought about all of this I could not see in a small way the love of our Father in Heaven towards us. I am sure that He would have been excited when He put this world together. That when He created Adam and Eve He would have been filled with joy and love for the first couple of this world. How He would have wished that all would go well for them. And how His heart would have ached when they would later choose to go down the wrong path. Can you relate to any of this? When you see your children make wrong choices does your heart bleed for them? Do you wonder as to what more you can do, and yet you know that you need to let them make their own way in the world sooner or later and that you can do nothing except pray that all will go well. Yes, new life is exciting. And for our Father in Heaven new life for this world was an exciting event too! How much trouble could have been avoided if we only stuck to Him and not let go of His hand. How wonderful He had and then put into place the Plan of Redemption!
Something for us all to ponder at this time. Until next time may you each be kept safe in His care.