There are some things in life that you can depend upon. And the weather is not one of them. It is amazing how it changes and just when you are starting to have hope that it is getting warmer you are then pulled away from that hope and you then start all over again. A few days ago it was starting to look and feel a little warmer and that was great. But right now I have my jumper on and I am wondering as to where the weather has all gone to. It is almost back to winter again.
But this reminds me of the fact that we do have no control over the weather. And maybe that is a good idea. After all who would have the final say and what would be the outcome if we did? I am sure that no one would be happy about it. That there would always be someone who would be complaining about it all and wanting it to be something else.
So what is the lesson we can learn out of this? That being that only God has the full control of the weather and that with Him we are on safe ground. On Him we can depend and we know that He will do what is best. There is something else we need to learn. There is no point worrying about what we cannot change. And we could learn to apply that to so many areas of life and be willing to put it all into the care of One who made and sustains all things……..even the weather!