It is morning and all was well. We were getting up and started for another day. But then things started to happen that was out of my control. Like a cat running up and down the house as if his life was depended upon it. Over the last few months we have learnt that when this happens that it means that there may be a change in the weather.
And as the morning has gone on we have noticed that the cat may be right again. That there appears to be a change happening and that is all there is to it. But what was it that the cat sees that we don't? I do not know the answer, but the cat seems to be right most of the time. So what am I do? I think that the answer is very clear to me. Maybe I had better take note from God's lesson book of nature. In this case of what the cat is doing! After all it may mean something for me for the day.
Looking at the bigger picture we could ask the question about the deeper things of life. Like when God is trying to get a message through to us, are we listening to what is being said to us? As He speaks to us through His word or when we stop and have that quiet moment, will we let the voice of our maker have sway on our heart and that we are willing to listen to what He says. After all just as the cat has a message about the weather and we listen, so when God speaks it would also be a good idea to listen to Him and to learn the message that He would have for us for this day.