A few days ago I was down at the coastal town of Warrnambool. While I was there I took a small time out to have a look at the sea. Down at the seaside the weather was very good and the sun was out. In it all the air was fresh and the sights that I saw were good to the eye. There were people walking along the walk-way and having a good time. In all of this I was reminded of a very important fact.
That being that we do enjoy the simple things of life. The wonders of the sea is that it is there for all to enjoy and the cost of it all is nothing. It does not matter if you are rich or poor, the ocean will accept your company. You will never be told that you should not be on the beach and that you do not belong. And in that there is another lesson to learn. That the Creator of nature is very accepting of all of us.
As I take this in and ponder it I am reminded of the question. Am I as accepting of others as I should be? Am I willing to give others a chance? And before I answer that question I may need to remind myself that the one above us (God) has always been accepting of those who come to Him in prayer. And He is more than willing to be accepting of you today and He is more than willing to set time aside for you as you take the time to pray. And to pray to Him will be no charge. A prayer to heaven is always free. Just as it is free to stand on the edge of the ocean, so it is free to talk to our Father in heaven. What joy that should be for us all this day.