It is amazing how that the animals can teach you so much. It is also amazing as to how much they know. What makes the whole thing even more laughable is that we watch the news and the weather and know that it is almost guesswork and yet the cats get it right every time. Now you are no doubt wondering as to what I am getting at here.
Over the years we have noticed that when the cats start to wash behind the ears that we know that we are in for some rain. And looking out the window we know that when we see the black cockies that we are also in for some rough weather. But now we have a new feature with one of our cats. It is something that my wife has picked up on, and now I am watching with great interest over the next few hours. I have just been told of a new habit. Today I noticed that one of our cats was washing behind both ears at once. Now what did this mean? I was told that when the cat did this that we would be in for a thunderstorm.
It has got me thinking. It is amazing how the cats knows that the thunderstorm is coming and we do not. But by taking notice of the cat and seeing what they are up to tells us what is ahead. We have in our hands the word of God and that also tells us what to expect in the last days of earth's history. So why not take note of what is in the Holy Bible and do what is right, knowing that one day soon Jesus will return to this earth.