Going for a walk the other day my wife and I saw something that got our attention. And after looking at it a few weeks we finally got out the camera and took a photo of what it was that got our attention. You see things sometimes and it does look special and so we got a photo of it before it was lost forever. Now the question is what did we see that was worthy of such action?
Some weeks ago there was some heavy winds and where we walked there was a young tree that was not able to take all the wind as you would like to think. So in the bending some of the trunk came away and so it was leaning over with the top part of it being caught in the tree that was next to it. It all made for an interesting sight and what made it so special was that the tree still had life in it due to the fact that part of it was still attached to the main trunk. Mind you, give it another bad night of wind and you will no doubt have the tree coming down completely.
And this is where we have a lesson for today. Because a part of the tree was still a part of the main trunk there was still life to be had. And we could all say that while there is life, there is hope. And in some ways that also applies to us as well. While we have life there is hope for us all as well. There is hope for a better future. There is hope for a better tomorrow. And the most wonderful thing is that while there is life there is that hope that one day we will know the One who gives to us all life and hope in the first place. So take care out there and have a wonderful day.