I guess that the time would come when it had to happen and happen it did. And I did not have the joy of seeing it all happen either. This story was told to me by my wife Ruth who did see the first part the event take place and heard the rest. As you know we have a couple of cats and they get along quite well for most of the time. But over the two and a half years that we have had them, I will admit to the fact that one is larger than the other. The result has been one of bullying and we have not approved of that. And while we have done quite a bit to bring it to an end, still the problem has gone on just the same.
But then came the eventful day when the little one decided to make a stand and how she did that indeed. And for the bigger one it was all a bit of a major fright. They were both outside under supervision when Lydia decided that she could not cope and so she went up the side of the house where she was safe but the bigger one thought that he would follow and be a pest. And that was when it all happened. She decided that she would make her stand and she was not going to back off from that. For Ruth looking on it sounded like a cat fight that you would hear at midnight but it was in the middle of the afternoon. Finally after what seemed a long time but really only a minute they were in the house and Ruth put the bigger one in the laundry to separate them. But in it all he got a large fright. Show respect to the other one. She can fight!
And there is a lesson to learn. That we need to have respect for others. And we need to be mindful that others have feelings as well. For by not understanding this fact there will come a time when we have to face the music for what we think we are getting away with. And for that the price can be high. So let us show respect and be mindful for those who we meet along the way. For in the eyes of the One above us all–all are special in His sight–and so are you.