In case you are wondering, the answer is no. I have not been to another funeral since the last posting on this site. But I have been thinking and that can be a rather scary thing to do at times. In talking with young people it is always interesting the things that they plan for their future. Where I do the shopping at times there are young people at the check-out and it is always interesting to talk with them. There are some who are just wanting to make money and there are some who are going on to Uni and doing courses. And the hopes that they all have is real for them each one.
As I take in each story that is shared I cannot help but appreciate that for these young people that they are looking for a bright future with good things that happen. And I hope that for each of them it will be so. But there is something that I must also consider. And that is the fact we only pass this way but once. And as you get older the more you begin to appreciate the fact that life is a very quick thing and soon it is all over. And then what?
I am reminded of the story of an old man who was talking to a young person going to Uni to study law and that question was asked of that young person by the older man. As they went through the chat the younger person realised that he had everything planned but not the end and that became a real puzzle for him. It was at this point that he began to see that what he needed was to know the One who made all things. That it was only through knowing Him that he really did have a future that was worth holding onto. And the same problem applies to us all. Do we know Him, or do we just know about Him, if at all? Something for us all to ponder, don't you think?