And they almost got away with it! It could be said that this story is hot off the press or more to the point it is hot after the action. I was just putting the finishing touches on the poem when I was asked to stop and to take a look at what was happening. The fact is that I had forgotten to lock the side door and one of the cats had opened the door and was just taking a first step out into the side yard.
And so I had the job of putting them right and to bring them back into the house. But what got them caught out? The fact was that the second one was very quiet and Ruth wondered as to what was going on. In looking a bit further she found that the larger one had opened the door and was eating some of the grass that was just outside the door. And at that moment the little one was thinking of going out the door too.
And so the question was asked of me. Could I sort it out? Could I bring in the cats and keep them safe in the house. I must admit that they looked a little sad that they had been caught out but the fact was that they were and it was all too late to do anything about it. The game was over and so they were now safe inside again. It reminds me of the fact that God sees what we do. We may think that we are being quiet, but the fact is that God does see us and we cannot get away with it. Just as we saw what the cats were doing and were able to put a stop to it, so our Father in Heaven sees what we are also doing even before we can appreciate the end results of our actions. The fact is this. God sees us all, and He sees you and me too. Something for us all to think about, don't you think!!