It is wonderful the fact that we do have a sense of humour and when things get a little tight that we can still look and laugh. And how we need to be able to do that at times. A friend of mine has found herself in a position that has required a lot of planning. And with the planning it will require the making of a lot of sandwiches and other things. We were talking about what filling that would be going into the sandwiches and the idea that eggs would be needed came up. I know that the person has some chooks and so I put the idea that they had better start laying some more eggs and in a hurry.
The point was made that I was being rather hopeful as the chooks were not into laying at the moment. So I might as well forget that idea for the moment. And even for the next moment as well. I guess that it just goes to show that the chooks do not care about what is going on around them and that they are only interested in doing what they want to do anyway. And if that means that you only get one egg between six chooks, then be grateful for what you get.
And in some ways therein lies a question to consider. Am I grateful for what comes my way? However great or small do I look for the good and be glad for that which I get? If we would take more of that kind of attitude I am sure that this world would be a better place.