It is amazing how you find that even with animals that they do have a mind of their own. And that is much the case with the two that we own. Just when you think that you have them under control that you find that they have changed their mind on the matter anyway. And they do it quite often. Even though you try to tell them otherwise.
But the point was made to me about this and that being that no matter how they may try and we do try to give them the respect they deserve, but still we can pick them up and they find that they have to go along with it. And I guess that what helps the matter is that we do love them and give to them a lot of that love. But still they like to think that they are in charge.
And in some ways that is a lot like us, is it not. We love to think that we are in charge of our lives and that we want to do things our way. But what we need to remember that there is someone who is above us and wants what is for our best too. I wonder….do we think that we are in charge too. And when we are reminded of where we really do fit in, then do we appreciate that there is that special someone who we can depend upon for all our needs.