It is interesting having a pet in the house. And we do have two of them. As time has gone by we have learnt that they each have their own ways of getting the point across and seeing if they can get away with things. And yes, they do get away with it at times. I guess that is the joy of having pets in one's life.
As I have said they like to stretch the boundaries at times. And when it comes to bedtime they like to have their place on the big bed. And that is fine so long as they remember where they are allowed to sleep and to remember that the other one is allowed to sleep there as well. And that is where the problem can come in. The bigger one thinks that he can dictate to the other one and push her off the bed. And if we are awake we will remind him that he is out of hand and that what he has done is wrong.
It reminds me of what we all can be like at times. How we all try to get away with it, only to have our sins found out. And we could ask the question of how quick are we to learn from all of this? So I guess that I need to be kind to the cat and remember that we all can be guilty of the same problem. We all can be slow at learning what is right and wrong. Something for us all to consider at this time.