Now this heading may have you wondering as to what I am getting at. But the heading is true and there is a story behind it all. And it deals directly with the day that I have before me…..even today.
You see, it is all like this. I am involved within my church and I do quite a bit of lay ministry. And so I have a diary and I put into that diary where I may be preaching from week to week and what that may entail. That is fine. And so the program for the year is starting to fill up and I knew where it was all going to begin. And I knew what date it was to all begin……so I thought.
I thought that I had the first two weekends free and then I would be going to Warrnambool. But then a friend rang me up yesterday to change a date and he reminded me that I would be there next week. This was a shock as I thought that it would be the week after that. As I had the diary there in front of me and while we were talking I opened it up to be sure when it would all be happening. Imagine my surprise when I found that I was off to Warrnambool today for the weekend there. Yes, I was very blessed to have that call yesterday.