Looking at these words you may wonder as to what I am getting at. It does all seem a little strange at first but as we go along it will all become clear. And the fact is that I am looking at a chore that so many like to avoid but it is one that I do not mind all that much. It is the task of mowing the lawn.
Do you like doing the Lawn? Are you one of those people who wish that it would all go away? Let me tell you the fact that this will not happen. But the reason that I bring it up is that I had to make a choice as to whether I would do the mowing of the lawn or not. It was not long and I knew that all I would be doing is to give it just a face-lift. But the way that I looked that it was that it would be a quick mow and then it would be done and looking good.
And that is what I did. I got out there with the mower and in just a few minutes it was all done. The lawn looked great and it did not take any more then just about ten minutes. How easy is that! And yet how guilty we can all be of trying to avoid something when the task is not all that hard. It is just that we are guilty of trying to get out of a task because we would rather be doing something else. Mmm….how we all need to stop and to think sometimes and appreciate the game that we are really playing at. In the end who are we kidding? Only ourselves!