I am sure that you all know the rest of that sentence that forms the rest of the heading. And it is a sentence that we all know very well. But what does it really mean in this world in which we live. And does it all really matter that much anyway.
Think about it for a moment. Every week we go out and buy food to eat and we eat it every day. And we say so we should. We need it. We cannot live without getting our fair share of the food table. And that is correct. We all need to eat. I must admit that I have sometimes thought that we would all save a lot of money if we did not have to eat. But as we all know it does not work that way. Eating is what we all need to do if we are to live and be healthy.
So what is the point of all of this. The answer is quite simple. Just as we need food for our daily lives, so we also need to take of that other food to have a better life. What do I mean by this? What I am getting at is our need to open the Bible and to read from that. It is an interesting point. We all know that it is a very important book. We know that it is the word of God. And yet how few of us are actually willing to take the time and to read what is written there. So may we take the time and to read that book this week and to start getting to know what it says for our lives. We may be just surprised as to what we may find in it.