Looking at this title you may wonder as to what I am getting at. But the message here today is true and real. And it is something that will affect us all one day.
As this year is coming to a close in a few week's time I am reminded that for this year I have known of fifteen people who are no longer with us. They have passed to their rest for one reason or another. Some have made quite an impact with their lives and other maybe not the same. But the point is that all were special and loved by those who were close and near to them.
But the fact is that they are now resting in the grave. And we could ask the question of where to from here? I am reminded of the fact that given two or three generations, and the person will be forgotten. And while we like to think that this is not true, yet the reality is that it will true for us all. We only pass this way but once.
So what is the message for this day. Make every day a good one. Take the time to love those who are near and dear to you. And while it is true that you may be forgotten by those around you in the years to come, by God's grace, you will not be forgotten by the one who made you and gave you life. What does all of this mean? Simply this. In the eyes of God you are special, very special, and that is good news for us all, don't you agree?