At this time of the year it is Springtime, and the days are getting a little longer but there is a slight problem that we are still facing. It is still wet!
I would have thought that maybe with it now being spring time and that we are now in daylight saving time, then there may be a bit of hope for warmer weather. How wrong we can be at times. Looking outside at the moment the rain is coming down and we are wondering where all the nice warm days have gone to. Or more to the point is the fact that they have not come at all yet.
I guess that it reminds me that once again there are some things that we have no control over and the weather is one of those things. And maybe just as well as we all have different needs. And we all want it to be just right for us and no one else. It guess it shows just how selfish we all can be, that that may be it is just as well that none of us have any say over the matter anyway.
But in thinking this through it points me to a bigger picture and that being that there is someone who has control and that being the one who created all things and put all things into place. I read something this morning and the words went something like this. We look at a pen and can see that it has a design, that it was made to a design and that it is fulfilling its design. And what is more we have no problem in accepting that behind it that there was a designer and maker. But if we are to look at the human body it is very clear that it has a design and that there are many parts and that they all function as they are designed to do…. but we are quick to say that it all happened by chance. Maybe it is time that we gave it another serious thought and appreciate that there is someone who is bigger to you and I. If we trust in Him we would be in a safe place for this and every day. Something to think about for the week.