I remember it well. It was a special moment in time that I will never forget. Let me tell you about it.
I was only very young at the time and growing up in a house where my parents had a high regard for the Queen and all things royalty, then you would expect that such an event would be special for us all. And so off we were to see the Queen. Living in the country we were up very early and drove to Melbourne to get a very good spot. And then there was the wait. And wait we did. It all seemed like an age and it was an age. But then the moment did come.
But the moment only lasted for a moment as the Queen passed us by. And later that day we went to the place where she was meeting that evening and again waited for a long time to see her arrive in the Rolls and dressed as only a Queen could dress. It was all very special and again it only lasted for a moment, and then she was gone.
So why do I mention this story. It was a special event but we only saw the Queen for a moment. And added to the fact that she was always that distance away from us. There was no chance of talking with her or to spending time with her. Sometime in the future I am looking for the time when, by God's grace, I shall meet with the King of Kings. It will not be a meeting that will last only for a moment in time, but rather I will be able to sit down with him and know Him and talk with Him face to face. Now that is a meeting to look forward too…..don't you agree.