It is spring time and how glad we are for that fact. And along with this time of year there are things happening that are special to us both. Every morning we listen out for a bird and we have not been hearing it for a while. In fact we have not heard this bird for a long time. We were wondering as to what had happened to this bird. Would we hear it again??
The other morning we were waking up and then we heard the song of this bird. And it sounded so good. And listening to that bird we then had a problem to work out as to what we were actually listening too. So we went hunting for answers as to the source of the sound. What type of bird would make the sound that we were listening to? And so the hunt was on.
We began by asking around and different ones came up with ideas. But in the end we got the answer. The sound was coming from a blackbird. It may not sound very exciting but the sound that it was making was. To hear this sound at the break of day is lovely to hear. And for this bird to sound so nice is good for the soul.
There is a lesson to be learned from this. How we all look for the different things in life and yet it can be the simple thing like a blackbird that can make the grade in a special way, if we were only willing to listen to the sound and not be put off by the bird. Do you know someone who may appears to be mundane? Take a second look at them. It is as you look at them that you will find the special person underneath.
Have you taken the time to look at a person today and appreciate them for what they are and not what you are hoping for? Take a look around you. It may be a surprise as to what you may find.