Now in our household we like to think that we are in control of things but there are times when I have to wonder about that point. Nowhere is this more evident than when it is time to go to bed for the night.
You like to think that when you are married that you can have maybe half the bed when you go to sleep but in our place think again! You see there are two cats that think that the bed belongs to them and that their masters are only allowed there by invitation….or something like that.
And so they get away with it because we love them. But the fact is that we are much stronger than them and so we do have the final say in the matter. And no matter how frustrating that all becomes there is nothing that they can do about it. We do have the final say in all matters.
So here is the thing. We need to remember that God is much stronger than us. And it is He who will have the final say about this planet and not us. And no matter how much of an argument we put up, it will all become nothing in the eyes of the one who made all things and put the worlds into place. Just as we are good masters to our cats and they do love us, so too is God a Good Master and it is His desire that we love him too. May we all do that this week.