In the last story I mentioned that we did a trip to Young for a funeral and that it did go well. But what was amazing for us all was to see something that was so small and yet it lifted our spirits so greatly.
Let me tell you about it. We were about to go into the church for the funeral. It was an old bluestone church and it looked so very grand. But as we were about to go up the steps one of our group noticed an insect on the side of the step. It blended in so very well and was very safe. We all stopped and took some photos of it. I am sure that the insect would never have thought that its image would be going back to different parts of the country.
And here is the lesson. That we take in the small moments of life and enjoy them. All too often we look for the big things and forget to enjoy the little things that come our way. And really there is beauty all around us, if we would only look. So for this day, take a look around you. It is amazing what you may find, if you only take the time to look.