O Dear!! What a thought to begin with for this parable. But the fact is that we are all getting older and there is nothing that we can do about it. What do I mean by this, and why am I thinking about it today?
The fact of the matter is that we have just heard about an older relative that has passed away. More than that is the fact that she is the last of her generation for my wife’s family. And so the family members will be gathering for the funeral next week. And as we all gather together one could ask the question as to what does this all mean for us each one?
I guess that this is a reminder of the fact that we are all getting older and that we are the next generation, so to speak. In other words, we are it! It is enough to make you feel a little uneasy. It makes each breath seem all the more valuable. So I guess we need to remember to keep breathing.
But then we look at the big picture and ask the question, is this all that there really is to life.? The answer to that question is very simple and it is a beautiful one. But rather than just have me tell you about it, I would ask that you read it for yourself. And for the best place to start I would take you to John 14:1-3. Please take the time to read it and find the hope that is given for this day.