Can you relate to this heading that is here? Do you know how to grow tomatoes? It is amazing how we all fall into the trap of thinking that we know all about it but when it comes to the crunch it all falls in a heap.
Over the last few years we have been growing this tomatoes and we have had some good results and there have been some bad results. But this year we are doing things a little different and we have been looking at some ideas that are on the websites that tell us all about growing this fruit.
So what have we found? Instead of saving seeds, we purchased untreated heirloom seeds. In fact, my wife just loves different tomatoes that thirteen different varieties of tomatoes originally from around the globe have been added to our collection of seeds. We have put them in a little earlier and are giving them a little less water. And they are loving this change and the results is that we are looking forward to a better harvest. It is amazing how things work out a lot better if one is willing to follow the instructions that the experts give.
Just a thought to ponder. Maybe that is what we should be doing each day with our lives. That we take note of the instruction that we are given in the "Good Book" and follow the instructions that are given there. Something for us all to think about……What do you think???