Have you ever had the situation where you think that you are talking to yourself? Where you try to get the point across and yet there appears to be no one listening to what you are saying? We are having things happen in our house and it has been very busy. And when important things are happening you want it all to go well and even more so….easy.
And it would appear that there was not a reason for it to be anything else. What could go wrong? But when you have two sixteen month old kittens then you are asking a little bit too much of them. And with the changes that were happening, they were very keen to do their part and play up with what we were doing.
But how do you get across to them that playing with cords are not good for your health, especially when you think that you can chew them. And so we have had to get the point across to them that doing this is wrong. And yes, they are slow learners. But it does have me thinking. How much like that we can be. We all know what is right and still want to try and do things another way, and in the process get things all muddles up and in a mess. If we take the time to read the Word of God there is so much to help us in that Book that will keep us non the right track. And yet we are all so keep to do our own thing.
For each of us, may our prayer be that we can be told and that we will listen to the voice of the one who made us, for we know that He will know what is best for us all……even today.