As you know we have two cats and they can be a handful at times. They are not backwards in having their say and we do try to understand all that they are trying to tell us. But the thing that brings us much trouble is the fact that they have different eating habits. One is eager to bolt down all that is put in front of him in one mouthful while the other one is happy to play with her food and eat little bits at a time when the spirit moves her. This does not work all that well when you have two opposites at play.
So we decided that something had to be done and we put on our thinking caps as to what would be the best way to get a solution. So we decided on an idea which seems to be working at the moment. When we feed them we put him inside the laundry with his food and leave him there for half an hour while the other little miss can have her food at a slower pace without losing it. So far it appears to be working and that is great for all.
As I have been thinking about this solution I cannot help but think about some of the bigger issues of life. While we all may be a little different, the one thing that our Maker wants us to know is that He loves us and wants to save us for heaven. Even though the beginning of the journey may be a little different for each of us the end result is still one. That He wants us to know that he loves us very much. Have you found that for yourself? Take the time to read His word and you will find that for yourself. The truth of His love is there for you to find, if you only take the time to look. So why not take the time this day to have your first look.
Something for us all to ponder at this time. Until next time may you each be kept safe in His care.