They are supposed to be falling today but they are yet to come. And in looking out the window I have to say that the chances of us having snowflakes this day is rather slim. But you never know, the day is not over yet. But as I look out the window and I remember times when the snow has fallen, I am reminded of the fact that no two snowflakes are alike. It is a proven fact that no two are alike.
I am reminded of the time when we did get snow. Looking out the front it looked like a winter-wonder land. It was all very special. But then I saw something that added flavour to the day. A young lady was driving her small car along our street and just beyond our place there was a corner to the left and in view of the fact that the approach to the corner was slightly downhill it meant that the girl had to be extra careful. She was being careful but even so I was surprised when the car got into a drift and slid into the corner. It was all very graceful and neither the car nor the driver were hurt in any way.
So where is the lesson. It just goes to show that you can never be too careful. None of us know what may be just around the corner of life. So take care out there and remember that the best thing that you can decide to do is to hold fast to the One who made us all.
Something for us all to ponder at this time. Until next time may you each be kept safe in His care.