Over the years I have done and am still doing lay preaching to a number of churches. As I have done this I have gotten to know a number of people who have become dear to my heart. But as the years have gone by there comes with it the sadness of seeing the older ones pass away and be no more. It all seems hard at times but the main thing is that One who is there for them. This was brought home to me the other week when a person who I got to know passed away and there was only a handful at the funeral. A few of us made the effort of being there and I could not help but feel that we all got a blessing from it.
Why so I share this with you this day? The reason is a simple one. That we need to remember that all are special. That each person is special and that respect is needed to be given to all. How we need to remember that each day. It does not matter who we meet. It does not matter how great or small they may be, all deserve respect and love.
This dear person is now at rest. But there are many out there who still need this day a hug and some care. Are you willing to be that person who can give that hug? Are you willing to be that person who will show that they really do care? It does not have to be much, but the little that you do may be just the thing that they are needing that moment. What are you willing to do for someone this day?
Something for us all to ponder at this time. Until next time may you each be kept safe in His care.