It is interesting how that you hear some news about people that you know and you are reminded that some things do not stay the way that you know it to be. You think that all would be good and then you hear news that this may not be the case. And it breaks your heart for you know that what has happened cannot be mended and that the clock cannot be turned back.
I am reminded that the clock of time is wound up just the once, and that no person can turn back the clock. And that is so true when people are being hurt. That what is said is said and that it cannot be unsaid. That what action is taken can not be undone and that all will need to live with the end results of what action takes place. You cannot turn back the clock. You cannot forget that what has just taken place is all done and can be forgotten about.
Why do I take the time to share this? That we need to think before we act. That we need to consider others and their feelings. In all of this that we see and know that people do matter and that we think of their needs as well as our own. Before you act, may I ask that you think of the needs of others. That perhaps there is a need for us to think again about the old golden rule about treating others the way that you would like to be treated yourself. To remember to be kind and loving to those who we come in contact with and to be considerate to those who are a part of our family. After all, in the eyes of our Maker, we are all equal and we all have a need for love. So let us love one another as He would and does love us.
Maybe something for us all to ponder at this time. Until next time may you each be kept safe in His care.