Now this title may have you wondering as to what I am getting at. Every new year is always a good thing, is it not? And yes, that is a true thing to say. But over the last twenty four hours our patience was tested with a cat that had ideas that did not do us all that much good. Let me tell you about it.
Our cat has developed a habit which is not very good. He likes to chew things and if that is food, then that is all right. But when it comes to chewing cords then it becomes another matter. A few days ago, it all happened very quickly. My wife was phoning someone on the mobile and that is fine. But it came to that moment when they were going to have a prayer over the phone and the cat thought that he would step into the matter, and step into the matter he did.
I should add that at this time the mobile was being booted and so the phone was connected to the cord that was rebooting it. And so at that critical moment when they were about to have a prayer that the cat ran by and opened his mouth and in one swipe bit through the cord. He ran by and at the same moment opened his mouth and chewed through the cord. The phone went dead and much to our amazement the cat was not hurt.
So why was our patience tested, yesterday he was eying off some cords and while he was thinking about it we distracted him and were blessed to have the time to put a plan in place.
So what can we learn from this. How we need to be careful and to make sure that all things are safe. And so we now have got material that is a protector to the cords and that the cat can safely live on. And so the new year has now begun. And for you all out there may it be a good one for you all…and also for the smaller members of your families…. like pets!!!