My wife and I have just finished watching a program and it gave to us both a good laugh. It is always a good thing to watch something that has real humour and that you can have a good laugh. After it was all over we could not help but comment how important it is to be able to laugh. And really when you stop and think about it, there is so little in this world that we can laugh at. There is so much pain and hurt happening that you cannot help but wonder where it will all end.
I must admit that it makes you stop and think. Here we are a world where joy is being destroyed and people are constantly hurting each other and no one seems to care. Where is the future in that? Where is the laughter in that? Sadly, it is all a reminder that we are living in a world of sin and that there is only one way that it will ever end. That will be with the return of our Saviour and friend, Jesus. What joy that day will be and then we will shout for joy. It will be real joy, and it will be a joy that will never end. Something to look forward to, don't you think?
Maybe something for us all to ponder at this time. Until next time may you each be kept safe in His care.