A few days ago I got a call to do a couple of songs at a concert at the weekend. I agreed to do this and have been putting in some time in refreshing up on a couple of sacred songs that I know. The first one that I had chosen I knew well but the other I had learnt a few years ago to perform at a funeral. I had put together a movement with this particular piece of music and had not done it since that funeral. I was amazed as to how well it came together. It gives me hope.
But in going through all of this it reminded me that when you learn something and that you do not forget it, it can be amazing as to how well it can come back to you. What is even more amazing is the fact that I am now playing it with a lot more confidence than when I learnt it the first time round. It reminds me of the words of advice of the wise old king that said in the Bible that "Remember now thy creator in the days of thy youth." When we learn something once and then we have to come back to it, then the second time round will be that much easier. Of course the best course of action is not to depart in the first place.
As I take the time to put this music into place again I cannot help but wonder as to how much better it would be even now if I had taken the time to keep up with this piece of music and to not let it slip from my memory. How much sweeter it would be to me now. And how that also applies to our walk with the One who made us in the first place. How much sweeter that walk would be if we kept up with the practise of taking time with Him and not letting things slide in the first place.
Maybe something for us all to ponder at this time. Until next time may you each be kept safe in His care.