Today is Good Friday. Listening to what is happening on the T.V. I am reminded of what happened in the little district that I grew up in so long ago. On that year we thought in that little district that we would raise money for the Royal Children's Hospital Appeal. And for the centre of that appeal the district decided to use our donkey as the mascot for our area. Keep in mind that this was a long time ago but everyone put in to have a good amount raised and I think that the amount raised was 5 pounds in honour of Jacob the Donkey.
But now we are looking at the appeal many years later. And much more money is being raised. And it is all for a good cause. And it is good to see that many people in the bush are doing a lot of good for the hospital still. And the point is being made that no matter how much or how little the amount all adds to the final amount, whatever that may be. What makes the situation so special is that no matter how much one may give or how little the hospital is there for all. Now that is special to know. It reminds me of the fact that no matter how young or how old, the hope that is found in Christ is there for all who will come to Him in prayer.
Maybe something for us all to ponder at this time. Until next time may you each be kept safe in His care.