There I was lying in bed. And feeling a little bit down and low. Let me tell you a fact. It is not much fun having the flu. Lying in bed with aching limbs and watching the day go by. It is all a bit discouraging, and there is not much you can do about it. And in going through the process there is one thing that you have to learn. You cannot speed up the process of getting better. Each day in bed is a day in bed. But after a few days of this I started to feel a little better and with that I started to have a little hope in the heart that this was all coming to an end.
But in going through this process it made me appreciate anew the importance of having good health. How often we are guilty of taking all of this for granted. And when you are forced to stop, it is then that you begin to appreciate each day that you are given. As the old folk would day….each day is a gift and one of the best gifts is that a person can have is good health. Do you appreciate your health? Do you appreciate each day that you are given? And with each good day that you are given may I gently say that maybe it would be a good thing to give thanks to the One above who gives us good health in the beginning.
Maybe something for us all to ponder at this time. Until next time may you each be kept safe in His care.