Have you ever waited for something to happen? And when it did happen it all went by so quickly. I grew up in a family that were faithful to the Royal Family and when the Queen came out many years ago we went down to Melbourne to see her. Now the day I am talking about happened about 50 years ago. But I do remember it well.
There I was in Melbourne early in the morning and we were going to have to wait for a long time. A very long time! But it is interesting that we were not alone and people were soon lining up to get a good vantage point so that when the Queen went by, that we would get to see her up close.
And so we waited and most people were very well mannered about it. We all appreciated that we were waiting for a special event and the children were allowed to sit in the front and have a good view of the Queen. And the crowd built up and it was not long that people were everywhere waiting to see the Queen.
And then the moment came. And in that moment we saw the Queen and then it was all over. As I remember it was on that day that the Queen and Prince Charles walked down the side we were waiting on. What a special moment that was. I shall never forget it and still remember it well. Over the years I have seen the Queen on different occasions and they have all been special. But I am reminded that there is another day coming (and yes, it will be soon, I believe) when we shall see the King of kings and what a day that shall be. I pray that we all shall be ready and waiting for that day when it comes.