It is interesting the things that can come your way and make you appreciate that we all have new things that we could learn. You go through each day and you think that you have it all under control but then something comes your way and you learn all over again. It is very much that way with the computer. We have had a few things done to the machine and we are getting used to what the new items mean to the way in which we operate. And yes we are learning! I hope we are anyway.
But it has made me stop and think. There are things in life that we are challenged to learn and so we go about learning them. Is it easy? No! Do we get any pleasure from it? Sometimes the answer has to be no. So then why do we bother to learn the new process? Because we know that in the end that it will be for our good. And I guess that this can also apply to learning new ideas. Like the fact that we do have a Father in heaven who is looking down upon us with love and not with hate. And yes, the love that He has for us is real and very great.
Maybe something for us all to ponder at this time. Until next time may you each be kept safe in His care.