I could not help but wonder as I read and listened to the news the other day. Down here where I live we were being worried about fires and up north they were being pelted with floods. What a wonderful land we have down here! As I take in the news it makes me appreciate anew that we do live in a wonderful land of Australia. You can never say that everything is the same and that we have nothing to worry about. As I was watching the news concerning the floods up north I saw an image of a croc who was clinging to part of a tree to get away from the floods. Maybe he/she was also weary of the water too. I could not help but smile, but I am not so sure that I would like to be anywhere near the croc!
As I took in the picture I appreciated anew that the world in which we all live is not perfect. There are many things that bring us heartache and hurt. We see people getting hurt and we see the animals getting hurt and you wonder as to where it will all end. Will there ever be that perfect place? You know, the answer is very simple and it is there to give to us all hope. And when faced with times of despair I would remind you of the wonderful promise that we all love so much. Take the time to read John 14:1-3. And remember, dear friend, that this promise is there for you too.
Something for us all to ponder at this time. Until next time may you each be kept safe in His care.