It is interesting the different ways in which people tell the weather and what we can expect in the days ahead. And when talking to those around me there are ideas that are put before me that are rather interesting to hear. For some people it can be aches and pains that come and go. For others it can be other things as well. But for us in this household there is a way in which we can tell what is coming and it has been proved to be rather good.
So what am I talking about, you may ask? Um….the answer is the cat. As we observe the cats that we have we have found that when there is wet weather coming upon us the cats will wash behind the ears. Usually there is a change in the weather that will take place about 48 hours after the cat washed behind the ears. I must admit that the cat has been rather reliable and that we have seen the change take place every time.
But as I consider that thing that takes place in our household I am reminded of a challenge that is presented to me in the good book. That being that as we can know the seasons that come every year, so we can also know the times in which we live, and that soon Jesus will return. Sure, we may not know the exact time but we can know that it will be soon. The challenge is that we are willing to be open to what is happening and that we are awake to the events that are taking place and appreciating that the end is coming soon. If the cat can tell me when to expect a change in the weather then there is no reason as to why I can not understand that time is running out on this planet.
Something for us all to ponder at this time. Until next time may you each be kept safe in His care.