It is interesting how that you can get lessons from the things that are around you. As you take in the things of nature you see anew that life is ever changing and that there are things to be learned. As I go about in the car I see the interaction of animals and am reminded that we could learn from them in a mighty way.
As I go around the lake I see swans going across the road with their young. They do not hurry and are very mindful of their young to keep them safe. And the traffic are mindful to keep the speed down and to be mindful that these swans have right of way. But as I take in the scene I wonder if we have learnt to be willing to give to others the right of way. Or do we go about life wanting that things are done just the way that we want it to be.
I am reminded of what is said in the Bible. It was the Master Himself that reminded us that we should put others first. That we are not to be worried about the things that do not concern us but that we trust fully upon Him who can provide and will provide for our every need. I wonder as to how much of a difference this would make to the world in which we live.
Something for us all to ponder at this time. Until next time may you each be kept safe in His care.