It is interesting the things that you can read in the Bible. In the book of Ecclesiastes and in the third chapter we are told that there is a time for everything that is under the sun. How true that is! I am sure that over the last year that most of us have gone through the whole range of emotions that can come a person's way. There have been times that you have laughed and there have been times when you have cried. There may have been moments when you may have been concerned about the welfare of a loved one and you wondered what the future held for a member of the family as they lay on a hospital bed. There are so many emotions that one can face and they are all real for the one who is going through it at the time.
But at this time of the year I would like to think that we are all enjoying a time of rejoicing. That we are enjoying the time with family and friends that we hold dear to our hearts. That we are all kept safe and that this time of happiness will not be marred in any way, shape or form.
But in all of this rejoicing I would hope that we take a moment to ponder the real reason for the season. That being that the one who made us all saw fit to come to this earth as a baby to give to this world the hope that it did not have. And the wonderful thing is that this hope is still available to all who choose to believe in the hope that is being offered to all. Now that is something to rejoice about…don't you think?
Something for us all to ponder at this time. Until next time may you each be kept safe in His care.