It is interesting how that life has a way of teaching you and just when you think that you know it all, you are wrong. How often we think that we have a good grip on the weather and what is going to happen. How often we think that we know the seasons and what to expect but again how wrong we can be.
What am I getting at? If I look at the calendar it tells me that we are in the summer months and yes we are according to the date of the year. But instead of it being hot weather we are looking out at the rain. Not that I am saying no to the idea for we have not had the spring rains that we have needed. But the point is that the rain is coming now, and not when we were hoping for it to come. How true it is that we do not have control of the weather of the land.
But in all of this there is a lesson to learn. Just as we cannot predict the weather so we also cannot predict the coming of the One who died of us all on the cross. Just as we are told to have a plan for whatever the weather may throw our way so it would do us well to have a plan to meet the One who gave all that we may have hope. What do you think about that?
Something for us all to ponder at this time. Until next time may you each be kept safe in His care.