Do you find that when you have to go somewhere that there is much that you have to do first? I have found this recently that in getting ready to go and be somewhere for the weekend that there is much that has to be done and that some of it can only be done at the last minute. But the point of it all is that it must be done and if you are to get away on time then you have to watch the clock to ensure that you get away on time.
You do the packing, you do the putting of things into place and at the same time you are watching the clock to make sure that you are still going to make it on time. And then when it is all done and you finally get on the road and yes, you are on time, how special it all becomes. You are on time and all is done.
As I think about it I guess that there is a lesson for us all to learn. And the lesson is a real one too. What efforts are we putting into being ready for the great event that will one day take place? The sad reality is that it will be all too late to be ready then. How we need to be ready for it even now. Because if we think that we can do it at the last minute we may find that we are in for a real letdown and we will be caught out not being ready at all.
Something for us all to ponder at this time. Until next time may you each be kept safe in His care.