It is interesting how we all see things in a different way. You see things one way and you think that others are seeing it the same way but how wrong you can be. I was reminded of this the other day. At this time we are getting much needed rain and it has been good to get. And for us where we are, we do not mind it at all. After all it means that we do not have to worry about water. But then I am reminded that I am not the only one on the planet.
You see, there are also others that depend upon the weather and for them the rain is not all that they are wanting. At this time of the year they are hoping for dry weather so that they can bring in the harvest and the hay. It all makes for a different situation when you are no longer a part of that scene. When you are no longer a part of that scene you forget and do not care like you once used to do. I guess that this is not the right attitude to have, but that is the way that it is.
I guess that there is a lesson for us all to learn. And that being that we are mindful of the needs of others. That we are caring and do not take others for granted. We all can fall into the trap of only thinking of ourselves but how we need to remember what others are going through as well. And then I think of the One who gave all that we may have hope. If He only thought of Himself, what would happen?
Instead of thinking of thinking of Himself, He loved us so much that He as a human, with the plan of taking our place and to die instead of us, provides us with the opportunity of spending eternity with Him. Part of the plan is for each of us to make the choice whether we want to accept that beautiful gift or not. What a wonderful gift, don't you think so?
Something for us all to ponder at this time. Until next time may you each be kept safe in His care.