It has been looking very good and we are very pleased with it. And each year we make sure that it is watered and that it is given the best chance to look its best. And how good it really does look. But around this time of the year there comes a day when we need to do the task of trimming the fern so that it will be able to grow new fronds for the new yearly cycle.
And even though it was looking so very good the day came when the trimming took place. And take place it did! Looking at the fern at this moment it does look rather bare but even as we look we can see that new fronds are starting to appear. And so soon we will be able to look at new fronds in a couple of weeks.
So where is the lesson in all of this? To get the best out of the plant we have to cut the old fronds away every year before the new ones start their journey. It may seem rather harsh but in doing this we know that the end result is worth it every time. As the new fronds come out they will look very grand and special. I cannot help but wonder….is this what happens to us at times. We may not like what we are facing but maybe there is someone above us who is trying to bring out the best in us each one. And to do that there has to be some pruning of the heart and soul….what do you think?
Something for us all to ponder at this time. Until next time may you each be kept safe in His care.