It is interesting that as you go through each day that you see things that remind you that things are all right. And yet how many of us are all so willing to think that things could be better. An as we take in the simple pleasures of life, how much they can give. What do I mean by this? Do you ever look at other people and just observe their manner in which they do things.
I was in a petrol station the other day and I was filling the car with petrol. But it was as I was doing so that I was taking in the people that were also there. In among the ones who were there doing the same thing was a gentleman who was also getting petrol for his vehicle as well. He was an older man and he was happy with the day and had a happy smile. I could not help but wonder as to what people see in me. Am I that happy too?
So for you each one I give to you a question. What do peo0ple see as they look at you? Do they see someone who is happy or do they see one who is just going through the motions of life. Please, let us all be happy. It is far better to being sad, and by being happy, just remember…just as being sad can be catching, the same can be said for being happy.
Something for us all to ponder at this time. Until next time may you each be kept safe in His care.