It is amazing how that animals can put the point across so very well. And it can all become so very hard to know what to do, but we all know that to do the right thing is what we are required to do. A few days ago we were going for a walk. And it all went very well. Along the road that we were going along there was an old dog who thought that he would like to come along too. And while it may have been very safe, for we were out in the bush, the fact remained that he did not belong to us and that we did not want to take the responsibility for looking out for him.
And so with sad eyes he was looking at us. Actually they were pleading eyes and the message was very clear. But in a gentle way we tried to get the point across that coming was not an option. The poor doggie was still wanting to walk with us and he did walk behind for a little while but then something got his attention and that saved the day for us.
It reminds me of the fact that none of us like to miss out. We all want to be a part of the action. And when there is something exciting happening how we all want to be a part of that. But there is a day coming when there will be something very exciting. And for all there will be a longing to be a part of it. But the good book tells me that not all will be a part of that exciting event. There will be some who will be missing out. Do you like the idea of missing out? Would you not like to be a part of something that is very exciting? Deciding to be a part of it all then will be a little too late. If we are to be a part of it, then the challenge is that we make plans for it now.
Something for us all to ponder at this time. Until next time may you each be kept safe in His care.