When you have pets you find out things about animals that can make life interesting and in some ways make you appreciate what we are like as well. We like to think that we know better but I wonder if we are no better in some areas. One of the things that I have learnt is that we all like our food. But common sense tells us that we all need to be careful with how much we eat each and every day. After all, while food is a good thing but too much can and will do us all harm.
So why mention this rather sad fact. The fact is that we have a cat that likes food in a very real way. I have no doubt that he would make a very good Garfield. He may not be the right colour but there is no doubt that food is always on his mind. When food is put out he is there is a big hurry and eager to not miss out. And the point of it all is that if we were to just put out food and let him go for it I have no doubt that we would have a much larger cat to what we have now.
This all brings me to a question for you to ponder. Have you learnt what it means to be temperate in all things? Do you know what it means to be careful with what you eat? Do you remember that if you really want to be healthy then maybe it would be a good idea to do exercises and to be in good shape? We think that it all seems to be hard at times, but in doing this the rewards are there for those who do the right thing. Remember that the choice is yours to make. What will you decide?
Something for us all to ponder at this time. Until next time may you each be kept safe in His care.