Why are we all so slow to understand that we all must behave and do as the master would have us to do? You may wonder as to what we are getting at here. The answer is very simple. As you all do know we have a couple of cats and we love them very much. But there are moments when they like to do their own thing and just forget about what the lessons that we have tried to get into their heads.
Today it was the same thing again. Our grey cat loves to test the limits of this house and we try to help him to understand that we want the best for him. But for him it is all about having fun. And it is all fun until we say that enough is enough and then we have to bring him back into line.
But there is a question that maybe we need to consider. How many of us are like the cat and try to test thing to the limit and wonder as to why it all fall apart? But the thing that we need to remember that even though the master may have to bring us back into the line the wonderful promise is that He still loves us and that we need to fear. Now that is hope for us each one.
Something for us all to ponder at this time. Until next time may you each be kept safe in His care.