It is amazing the things that you can learn from the animals that are in your life. And this is much the case with the two cats. In having these two cats we have learnt that they are a little bit different to the two that have gone before them. I guess the main difference that the first two were used to the outside life and they got away with a lot of things.
With these two we have found that because we have kept them inside that they are more afraid of what they hear outside. The end result is that they quickly run up the back of the house at the sound of anything that they may not be used to. This happened just a few moments ago before I started to write this story.
But as I take in the fact of what has just happened I cannot think that maybe there is a lesson for us all to learn. When something happened they are quick to run to where they know that they are safe. What about us? Are we willing to do the same when things happen to us that we do not understand? And that is the point. We have a Saviour who is willing to be there for us if only we are willing to come to Him. Question….are you willing to go to Him when you are in trouble? Maybe that would be a good place to run to in times of trouble…..What do you think about that idea?
Something for us all to ponder at this time. Until next time may you each be kept safe in His care.